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The 政治科学 major explores government, policy, and politics in the U.S. 在世界各地. Students may specialize their curriculum by selecting from degree options in legal studies, 国家安全, 政治理论. The legal studies option focuses on U.S. and international law as well as the roles of lawyers and judges in society. The 国家安全 option examines current and future threats to individual, national, 全球安全. The political theory option considers difficult questions of law, justice, freedom, and equality through the study of ancient to contemporary political philosophy.


  • 政策分析 
  • Attorney 
  • 老师/教授 
  • 政策参谋顾问 
  • 研究分析师 
  • Governmental or NonGovernmental Organization Staffer at Local, State, National, Regional, and/or International Levels 
  • 情报分析师 
  • Diplomat 
  • 军官 
  • Journalist/Political Correspondent 
  • Consultant 
  • 公务员 
  • 活动工作人员 
  • Advocate/Activist/Organizer 
  • Lobbyist 
  • Governmental Relations Staffer

有趣的事实: Students in the Hokies on the Hill program earn 12 credits while working on 美国国会!
