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探索建筑, 艺术, 和设计 (undecided)

探索建筑, 艺术, 和设计

探索建筑, 艺术, 和设计 is an undecided major in the College of 体系结构, 艺术, 和设计 (AAD) that serves as a 门户网站 to the college's four and five year degree programs.

Choosing a degree program can be tough. The Exploring AAD major was created to help students who know they are interested in 体系结构, 艺术, 设计学科, but not sure exactly which major they want to pursue. 学生 considering the highly competitive 体系结构, 景观建筑, 室内设计, and 工业设计 programs but aren’t sure which one of those majors they want to apply to may find the Exploring AAD major a better start.


Once accepted to the Exploring AAD major, students will pursue coursework across the College of 体系结构, 艺术, 和设计 while also taking classes that meet some of their general education curriculum course requirements. We’ve secured permission for our Exploring AAD majors to take certain classes typically limited to 体系结构, 室内设计, 工业设计, 景观建筑, 工作室艺术, 艺术历史, 戏剧艺术, 电影专业的学生. Exploring AAD majors are advised about these courses during new student orientation.

你会得到建议 Rob千斤顶, Director of Academic Advising in the College of 体系结构, 艺术, 和设计, and receive advice on taking classes relevant to a AAD major or majors you’re interested in and assistance with how to transition to another AAD major.
