弗吉尼亚理工大学® 首页


人类发展 major focuses on how people learn and develop over the course of their lives in the context of family, 社区, 和文化. This discipline studies the physical, 社会, and cognitive areas of development from birth through old age. 例如, re搜索ers look at how children are affected when their parents are incarcerated or how close friendships change as we grow older. 的 field mixes principles of psychology, 社会学, and health to study and improve people's daily life experiences. Graduates are prepared to work directly with children, 成年人, and families in health professions, 机构, 教育环境.


  • Early childhood or elementary school teacher 
  • Special education educator 
  • 案例管理器 
  • 咨询师或治疗师 
  • 物理治疗师 
  • 职业治疗师 
  • 社会工作者 
  • 社区组织者 
  • 老年病学家 
  • 学校辅导员 
  • 非营利组织管理员
  • 项目协调人 
  • 人类 resource professional

有趣的事实: Our program is ranked 2nd among 人类发展 programs in the U.S.!

