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一定要去参观 校园了 页面了解弗吉尼亚理工大学一些不太知名的景点的更多信息.

Located in 弗吉尼亚州布莱克斯堡.弗吉尼亚理工大学包括八所本科学院和一所研究生院. We are also home to the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine, the Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine, and the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine and Research Institute. 网上赌博网站十大排行提供150多个学士学位课程和150个硕士和博士学位课程. 网上赌博网站十大排行有33,000多名全日制学生,学生与教师的比例是14:1. 网上赌博网站十大排行的主校区包括超过213栋建筑,2600英亩,和一个机场. Virginia Tech is ranked 44th in university research in the United States.

Burruss Hall 

Burruss Hall以前VPI总裁的名字命名 朱利安Burruss, is the main administration building on campus. 它还包含一个3,003个座位的礼堂, a venue where major events such as commencement, 总统的演讲, concerts, 艺术表演也会举行. Burruss, like many of the buildings on campus, 拥有原生石灰岩, which we refer to as "Hokie Stone."
在Burruss的前面是 四月十六日纪念它有32块刻有Hokie Stones的石头,用来纪念那些失去生命的Hokie人.


Burchard Hall is an underground studio space for students in the College of Architecture and Urban Studies. The pyramids on the plaza allow natural light into the studio spaces. 在广场后面, Cowgill Hall 还设有学生工作室, offices, and galleries for the College of Architecture and Urban Studies. 该学院的许多课程一直在全国名列前茅.


Just past Burruss is the 工程四, 许多教室都在这里, offices, and laboratories available to the engineering department. At the end of the 工程四 is the Joseph F. Ware, Jr. 高级工程实验室, the home of a number of undergraduate engineering student design projects. 它包括一个陈列室, machine shop, welding shop, computer aided design and manufacturing laboratory, 八个独立的项目舱和一个额外的项目区域在一楼. 来自各个学术水平和院系的工程专业学生使用这个设施进行设计, fabricate and test their projects.

McBryde Hall 

On the corner of the Drillfield stands McBryde Hall的所在地 计算机科学, Mathematics, and Sociology, 但大多数学生在弗吉尼亚理工大学的某个时候都会在这栋楼里至少上一门课. McBryde Hall was also named for a former VPI president, John McLaren McBryde. 他为网上赌博网站十大排行今天所知道的弗吉尼亚理工大学奠定了基础,他领导了一些变革,比如采纳了大学的校训 Ut Prosim and changing the school colors to orange and maroon.


Torgersen大厅 它非常专注于技术,是一个受许多学生欢迎的学习空间. Torgersen提供计算机实验室和礼堂式教室,以及大量带有充足电脑连接的学习区域. Torgersen Bridge, which spans across Alumni Mall, is a quiet study space. 这是学生们的最爱,因为它很容易容纳笔记本电脑,并提供工作空间, but is designed to feel like a comfortable library reading room.

The Pylons & 战争纪念教堂 

The upper level of War Memorial Court is a special place to Hokies. The eight limestone pylons are etched with the names of Virginia Tech students and graduates who have died in battle从第一次世界大战开始. The Pylons envoke Virginia Tech’s core values. They are, 从左到右, Brotherhood, Honor, Leadership, Sacrifice, Service, Loyalty, Duty, 以及弗吉尼亚理工大学的校训, 但我承诺(我可以服务).

战争纪念教堂 is located underneath the Pylons and is entered from the Drillfield. The chapel is available to students, faculty, staff, 或者需要安静的游客, quiet place to get away from the everyday bustle of life.

Upper Quad 

上庭院是 学生军团 它代表了校园里许多最古老的建筑,在网上赌博网站十大排行被收养之前,它们都是用砖砌成的 Hokie Stone. When the school first opened, all students were admitted as cadets. Now, the co-ed program consists of more than 1,000 cadets and represents all branches of military ROTC. 上四边形也有 College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, particularly the English and Communication programs in Shanks Hall.


The 莫斯艺术中心 is a newly-constructed facility serving Blacksburg and the New River Valley. 它包含一个1,260个座位的表演大厅, 视觉艺术画廊, 一个圆形剧场, 一个四层的实验立方体, and multiple studios to support the Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology. The center also houses a multimedia studio, 生产控制室, newsroom, and associated classrooms to support the 传播系.


斯奎尔斯学生中心 是学生活动的中心吗. 里面是一个美食广场, 艺术画廊, several stages and theater production spaces, and offices for student publications such as the college's newspaper and campus radio station. BreakZone, a recreational center inside Squires, provides students with access to a bowling alley, 台球桌, 乒乓球比赛, and more. Squires是一个查找校园活动或学生可能想要参与的团体信息的好地方.

Carol M. 纽曼图书馆 

Torgersen Bridge connects Torgersen大厅 to the Carol M. 纽曼图书馆校园里的主要图书馆. 纽曼为安静的学习空间和小组工作提供楼层,并在底层设有咖啡厅. 计算机、打印服务和研究协助都可供学生使用. 为了更好地为学生的学习安排服务,图书馆在学期中会开到很晚 饮料和零食 期末考试周.


Just up the hill from Owens Dining Hall is Prairie Quad, 一个更新的集合, 套房式宿舍. Other residences on campus are styled in a traditional hall style, with community bathrooms on each floor. Room styles vary from one residence hall to another, but most rooms are intended for double-occupancy.


弗吉尼亚理工大学最被广泛谈论的部分之一是网上赌博网站十大排行屡获殊荣的餐厅. 这些赞美大多来自网上赌博网站十大排行令人惊叹的餐饮中心和它们提供的用餐体验. 特纳广场是一个最先进的餐饮设施,位于校园学术一侧的麦克布赖德大厅后的老特纳街. 透纳广场各处都有玻璃墙和宏伟的入口,给人一种明亮、开放的感觉. Housing eight separate restaurants, 它提供各种美食,包括民族品牌和独特的场地, some of which are the first of their kind on a university campus.


校园里有两个主要的体育馆. 麦科马斯大厅容纳了 Thomas E. 库克咨询中心, Charles W. 轮班医疗中心, and the Department of Recreational Sports. Its facilities include three gymnasium/volleyball courts, 有氧/重量训练区, 游泳池, 有氧工作室, 悬挂轨道, locker rooms, 还有一个自动售货/休息区.

In addition, 战争纪念体育馆 also offers swimming, aerobics, 还有重量训练, 还有壁球, wallyball, 还有壁球场. 一些较小的健身中心位于几个宿舍内,只对该宿舍的居民开放.


Can you tell how we feel about our Hokie athletic teams? Our students practically live in maroon and orange. You can hear their thunderous cheers during home games at Lane Stadium. 作为精英的一员 大西洋沿岸会议在美国,北基队为球迷提供了观看全美最激烈比赛的机会.

The Drillfield 

The Drillfield 被认为是布莱克斯堡校园的中心,也是学术和住宿生活的分水岭. 课间,草地上挤满了去上课的学生. 不上课的学生, 钻场是一个坐下来放松或开始一轮飞盘的好地方.


如果你沿着学院大道离开校园,你会发现自己身处一个美丽的, 布莱克斯堡市中心. Along the way, 你会通过戏剧101的, 这是一个由表演艺术和电影学院运营的设施,有室内和室外的表演空间. 布莱克斯堡市中心 is a great source of food, shopping, and entertainment. 市中心全年都积极举办各种活动,如街头集市和游行,供社区享受. 


Blacksburg, some 12,占地1000英亩,坐落在蓝岭和阿勒格尼山脉之间的高原上, is special. 大约42人的家,600名当地居民, the town is considered small by most any standard, but don’t let its size or location fool you.

Because of its award-winning services, 合理的生活费用, safety, 温和的气候, 丰富的休闲活动, 布莱克斯堡一直是美国最适宜居住的城市之一,并且在全国范围内赢得了管理良好的声誉, stable, 前瞻性的社区.

Visit Us!

Want to see if Virginia Tech is right for you? Register 参观网上赌博网站十大排行的校园,更好地感受布莱克斯堡的学生生活, 弗吉尼亚就像. 在上课期间,网上赌博网站十大排行会举办招生信息会和学生带领的徒步旅行.

Campus tours typically follow each information session. 这些旅游是由 Hokie大使这是一群敬业的学生,他们自愿花时间带你参观理工学院. 参观将持续一个小时,大部分的参观将是校园的外部. However, 在游览期间,您将能够看到一个模范宿舍房间和一个标准教室.

The Merryman Center is no longer open to the public. 你必须有一个Hokie护照才能进入,即使这样,它是有限的批准进入者,i.e., to student-athletes, coaches, and athletics staff.
