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转移招生 Requirements


You are considered a transfer student if you have 尝试 12 or more credit hours at 任何 college or university high school graduation, equivalency completion, 或者永久分离,不管这些学分是否完成, are completed at the time of application, or if you intend to transfer the credits. If you do 不 meet this definition, 你应该通过一年级/大一的程序申请,并通过该申请.

  • 在高中期间通过双录取、先修课程或其他途径获得的学分可以 count towards the 12 credits. This also applies to students completing an associate degree program concurrent with high school; such students 必须 apply for admission through the first-year/freshman process.
  • 在申请过程中报告正在进行/计划中的弗吉尼亚理工大学入学点完成的大学工作,并在招生审查期间进行考虑.
  • 因为转学录取的重点是学院/大学水平的学习成绩,不考虑高中课程或成绩或SAT/ACT分数, 刚毕业的高中学生在申请大学第一学期时不太可能有竞争力. 这对于在前一个春季高中毕业后寻求春季学期转学入学的申请人尤其值得注意. See below under 转让入职条款 for more information. 
  • 一年级/大一申请者不能在同一申请周期内再次被考虑转学入学.

Academic Requirements for Transfers

转学生必须满足以下学术要求,并完成入学转申请. The most important factors considered for transfer admission are as follows:

  • 已完成或正在完成预期课程的先决课程. Create a competitive schedule by following the 招生 Transfer Roadmap for the major to which you plan to apply. 建筑或工业设计专业不接受转学申请. 对这些学科感兴趣的学生应该探索弗吉尼亚理工大学提供的其他专业. 
  • 所有大学课程的总平均绩点,特别强调进入预期课程所需或推荐课程的表现, as well as your more recent work. 注意: 所有之前的学院/大学工作都应该报告,并在录取过程中予以考虑, regardless of transferability or intent to transfer credits. 在大学教育(5年以上)中有重大中断的申请人可能需要展示最近的学习和/或在大学取得的成功,然后才能提交有竞争力的申请.   
  • Although there is no minimum GPA required for admission, most competitive applicants will present a cumulative GPA of a 3.0或更高. 在申请人数超过可用名额的专业,竞争激烈的GPA可能会更高.
  • SAT/ACT成绩不被视为转学录取过程的一部分,因此不是必需的.
  • Being in good standing at your current or most recent institution. 弗吉尼亚理工大学保留拒绝被停学学生入学的权利, 驳回了, or subject to disciplinary action from 任何 school, or those convicted of a felony. Per university policy, all applicants and currently enrolled students 必须 report arrest, 信念, and protective orders. Disciplinary records are considered in determining eligibility for admission.
  • 在适当的截止日期前完成转学申请程序的所有方面, 正如 Transfer Application Checklist.


在大多数周期中, transfer applications are accepted for three separate entry terms: Spring, 夏天, 和秋天. The vast majority of transfer students begin in the Fall term. Below is some additional information regarding entry terms and transferring:

  • 一些专业接受多个学期的申请,但推荐一个特定的入学期限. 每个学期和周期的竞争性质可能会根据申请人数和课程和转学课程的可用空间而有所不同. To view a full list of major availability by entry term for the current cycle, and learn more about each program, 请浏览网上赌博网站十大排行的 Transfer Majors Page
  • 春季学期的入学是针对特定的课程和空间可用性提供的. 而春季过程的竞争本质通常反映了夏季/秋季的大多数可用项目, it is possible that admission for Spring entry could be especially competitive
  • “从技术上讲,春季录取适用于高中毕业后大学第一学期的学生. 然而, barring very few exceptions, 一个强有力的春季候选人将在申请审查时(10月)提交至少两个完整学期的高中后大学课程, at least one full semester of post-high school college grades, 并将满足任何要求和课程推荐的强烈组合 招生 Transfer Roadmap for their program prior to their planned start at VT. 上述情况的例外通常包括通过双入学(20-30+学分)拥有大量一般和专业相关工作和大学成绩的学生。, and who have completed their high school study with a strong, 在另一所学院或大学的第一学期,他们的课程安排与专业一致."
  • 学生可以申请春季入学,然后在同一周期内申请夏季或秋季入学, but should 不 apply for both 夏天 和秋天. 这些申请在相同的标准下一起审查,并从相同的能力中提取, with applicants also 不ified at the same time. "同时申请夏季和秋季的学生将只审查其秋季申请."

Foreign Language Requirement

There is no admissions requirement for prior foreign language study. 所有学生都应该完成语言学习,作为他们在弗吉尼亚理工大学学位课程的一部分,或者可以通过高中之前的语言学习来满足这一要求. For further details, please see Advising's Foreign Langauge Requirement page.