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Appalachian 文化s and Environments (Pathways Minor)

College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences

The Appalachian 文化s and Environments (APCE) minor name: http://liberalarts.salamzone.com/academics/majors-and-minors/appalachian-studies-minor.html 箴言ides students with an understanding of the places, 文化, 历史, 艺术表达方式, 生态系统, and politics of the Appalachian region historically and currently. Courses within the minor examine the socioeconomic concerns of Southwest Virginia, and of Appalachia more broadly, and illuminate ways in which Appalachian places and issues are inextricably linked to global places and issues.

For more information, visit this website: http://www.pathways.prov.salamzone.com/minors/showcase/apce.html