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寻找令人兴奋的新机会,参与校园艺术? 看看所有艺术生存和呼吸的空间.


莫斯艺术中心的安妮和艾伦·法夫剧院拥有一流的音响效果和技术灵活性,能够专业地呈现各种形式的音乐, theatre, and dance. The space includes a stage with 60-feet-wide by 50-feet-deep playing area; a removable orchestral shell with ceiling; state-of-the-art lighting, projection, and audio systems; and two multi-level forestage lifts.


The Armory is home to the School of Visual Arts它的主要办公室和教室用于基础课程和绘画课程. 军械库美术馆以学生的作品为特色, faculty, 以及具有地区和国家重要性的艺术家.

Burruss Hall

除了是布莱克斯堡校区的主要行政大楼, Burruss Hall features a 3,003-seat auditorium, 音乐会和演出经常在哪里举行. 该建筑还设有室内设计和景观设计办公室, studios, and classrooms for the College of Architecture, Arts, and Design.

Creativity and Innovation District

Part of the university’s master plan, 位于布莱克斯堡校区东部边缘的创意创新区培养了一个创造和创新的社区. 该地区充分利用了该地区现有的项目和设施,包括:

  • Moss Arts Center
  • 创意、艺术和技术研究所(ICAT)
  • School of Performing Arts
  • Theatre 101
  • School of Visual Arts
  • Squires Student Center
  • Newman Library 
  • Graduate Life Center at Donaldson Brown 
  • Media Building 
  • Media Building Annex


创意创新区生活学习计划的学生可以从三个艺术和创业生活学习社区中选择: Studio 72, Innovate, and Rhizome. 这些生活学习社区帮助学生将他们的学术和课外经历联系起来,并提供参加与艺术相关的节目和活动的机会,并享受创意空间, performances, and art installations in the building.

Cowgill Lobby

位于考吉尔大厅的正门内, 考吉尔大厅作为建筑与设计学院的展览空间, 通过它,各种各样的工作定期轮换, 通常以建筑学院学生的作品为特色, Art, and Design, as well as faculty, alumni, and guest artists.

Cube, Moss Arts Center

立方体是一个四层楼高的最先进的剧院和高科技实验室,由Moss艺术中心和创意研究所共享, Arts, 以及用于表演的技术, immersive environments, installations, and research.

Hahn Horticulture Garden

哈恩园艺园包括近六英亩的教学和展示花园在布莱克斯堡校园. 不仅仅是精彩的生活艺术收藏, 这座花园也是新河流域及其他地区艺术家的展示场所, featuring a wide diversity of visual arts.

Haymarket Theatre

干草市场剧院是一个500个座位的舞台剧院,位于Squires学生中心的二楼. 是传统舞台布置的理想场所, the theatre is fully equipped with sound, lighting, and a fly rail, 更衣室位于舞台下方,方便进出.

Henderson Amphitheatre

Henderson Amphitheatre, programmed by the School of Performing Arts, 101剧院后面有一个私密的户外场地吗. The space is ideal for storytelling, small improv groups, musical entertainment, and open-air teaching.

Henderson Hall

Henderson Hall is home to various music, theatre, and arts programs, 包括表演艺术学院和视觉艺术学院. 该空间包括评论室和研讨室, computer and design labs, a costume shop, a lighting lab, an editing studio, scene and design model shops, a digital fabrication studio, and a dozen practice rooms for music.

Henderson Lawn

Bordered by Alumni Mall, Main Street, and College Avenue, 亨德森草坪全年举办各种表演和活动,由活动策划办公室策划.

Holtzman Alumni Center

Home to the Virginia Tech Alumni Association, 霍尔茨曼校友中心的二楼画廊全年都有校友和当地艺术家的作品.

Media Building

媒体大楼为创意学院提供了工作室空间, Arts, and Technology, including the digital arts and animation, digital interactive sound and intermedia, and cinema studios.

Moss Arts Center

位于弗吉尼亚理工大学和布莱克斯堡市中心的十字路口, on the corner of Main Street and Alumni Mall, 莫斯艺术中心是一个繁荣的社区,艺术是参与的催化剂, inspiration, and discovery. The center features a 1,200-seat theatre; an experimental performance space, the Cube; and four visual art galleries capable of exhibiting a wide range of traditional and trans-media works and installations.

Perspectives Gallery

透视画廊的使命是通过艺术欣赏扩展学生的概念世界,并鼓励艺术赞助. 画廊组织本地、国内和国际艺术家的展览.

Recital Salon

Squires学生中心二楼的独奏沙龙是表演艺术学院许多学生音乐表演的场所, faculty, and visiting artists.

Solitude and Fraction House

Solitude and the Fraction Family House, 曾经被弗瑞特家族的奴隶和其他人使用, 展示了弗吉尼亚理工大学布莱克斯堡校区边缘化社区故事的公共艺术.

Studio Theatre

With a seating capacity of just over 200, 工作室剧院位于Squires学生中心的二楼,是由戏剧教授Randy Ward设计的四分之三的舞台空间.

Theatre 101
